
Open membership
Anyone can join.

Our ‘open membership’ means that anyone (with a connection to Colchester) can join.

How to become a member ?
The only way to join is by visiting us during café opening hours (10am-4pm, Thursday-Saturday),

  • Ask for one of our membership registration forms.

  • Fill it in while you have your lunch, return the completed form to one of our team behind the counter.

  • Pay your £15 - it’s that simple!

Member benefits
10% discount on all daytime café items and early notice about upcoming events.

Members registration fee is £15 for the year.

If you wish to be more involved as a member, you can attend meetings, suggest items for the agenda, call for meetings, vote, become a board member and contribute towards steering the direction of the organisation according to democratic process.

Our membership allows you to be involved as little (just a customer enjoying the 10% discount) or as much (a board member with shares in the company) as you like. There’s no pressure either way and you can choose to opt out of certain emails and correspondence so it’ll never feel like we’re spamming you!

You can download one of our Members Registration Forms here.